You see, most folks get coding all wrong. They believe that since coding is all about making computers do things, it must be a tedious, tiresome experience that only lonely, boring, middle-aged nerds with zero social life will dare engage in. But guess what? Nothing could be farther from the truth. Kids can also learn to code. What’s more? Coding could even become a fun experience that kids can’t just get enough of it. You just need to know how to go about it. The rest of the article shares tips on how to make coding fun. So if that’s your thing… Let’s dive in.
How to Make Coding Fun
The secret to making coding fun for kids is to find out what engages, interests, and inspires them. So here are some pointers on how to make coding fun for kids.
Coding Toys
Coding toys offer an innovative means to make coding fun for kids. Why? Because they are interactive, they give kids a way to visualize how coding works. Some coding toys are even designed to stimulate thought about coding in kids. The good news is that there are hordes of coding toys that you could pick from when looking to get your kids engaged with coding. Better still, there is a coding toy for every age, even toddlers. When used right, coding toys come with perceptive benefits, enhance logical thinking and improve their resilience. The flip side with coding toys is that they might be a bit pricey. Some of the best coding toys can walk kids through the basics (sequencing and iteration, among others) to advanced text-based coding languages. In such situations, these toys are worth every dime spent.
Using Coding Games and Activities
If there is one thing that kids love very much, it is games and other related activities. That is why coding games and activities are also great for teaching kids how to code in a fun way. These specially designed games and activities get kids to think like professional programmers early, so the sooner you get them, the better. The thing with coding games and activities is that they are structured so that kids get introduced to coding as they play these games. The developers of these games have found ways to come up with games that can be played by kids of all ages, even toddlers. You’d now need to try out the various coding game options to find out which of them your kids love. For example, Minecraft is one very great coding game that has become extremely popular because of the ease with which it teaches kids computer programming concepts. Your kid could play it alone, or they could team up with you or anyone to explore the game. That said, for kids to master coding using games and activities, they’d still need to do a lot of practice. And the best way to get them to practice is to incorporate coding games and activities into their daily schedules. This way, they get to master the coding lessons they have taken. But, more importantly, they get to see illustrations of coding in everyday lives, so they get a practical side to the coding training, which makes it all the more fun.
Try Coding Books
Coding books use simple language to teach kids all they need to know about concepts. They often use the flap activities format and might even have offline coding activities that they could try out. Kids also love a good story. It has a way of piquing their interests and keeping them engaged. So when you can combine great storytelling with coding, you get a win-win situation where kids get entertained and educated at the same time. There are lots of children’s books that teach coding via storytelling. Some of these books come with illustrations and some work activities that give kids a clear understanding of the story. Others follow a gamified format that uses step-by-step instructions to guide kids through specific coding tasks. You might even find a storytelling coding book with an app that helps support the learning process. We recommend the use of these books because they are an excellent alternative to using screens(PC, tablets, smartphones) to teach kids coding.
Be Part of the Process
Getting involved in their learning process can make coding a fun experience for kids too. For example, you could join in the fun of playing coding games and activities. Walking them through the use of the coding toys also provides some encouragement and a great amount of fun too. One typical example of getting involved in the process is trying out a project that your kid created as part of their journey into coding. The fun and excitement of having you explore such a project with them are also crucial. Sometimes you might not have the time for all of that. But even at that, something as simple as finding out about the process they have made with their work will help inspire them too. So show some enthusiasm and watch how spirited and excited they get when learning code.
What Next?
Don’t get caught up in the misguided assumption that kids can’t learn to code. We have found that kids of any age can learn to code once you find a way to bring it to their level. The trick is to make a fun activity that they just can’t get enough of. If you use the tips described in this article, you will get your kid to start coding in no time. The best part about kids learning how to code is that they just keep getting better at it once you get them to start. Try any of these suggestions, and once you have settled on what interests the kid(s), keep at it for as long as necessary. It will be a win-win situation for everyone involved!