A good WordPress theme has several criteria such as fast loading, support amp, clean, and also of course nice to see by visitors. For search engines like Google, the theme factor is very important, because Google assesses a website as well as from the speed when it loads, and that is one of the effects of using WordPress themes. For this we have summarized some of the WordPress themes that have speed, clean, also nice to see and of course it’s free !.

3 WordPress Themes Fast, Clean and Free

1. Powered WordPress Theme by WPExplorer

Powered WordPress theme is a WordPress theme created by WPExplorer. With the right combination of plugins we can obtain a score speed of GTMetrix 100 for PageSpeed and 99 for YSlow. We’ve proven this theme fast enough to load, the appearance of this WordPress theme is also modern with the concept of mansory or block. Even though this theme is not without flaws, when we disable the featured post function, the Last post cannot be seen on the Homepage, this is what we have told developers. You can download and try this WordPress Powered theme via the following link click here.

2. VT Blogging WordPress Theme by VolThemes

The second theme that we think is pretty good to see, it looks modern, fast and clean is the VT Blogging Theme from Volthemes. This theme has a simple minimalist appearance, fast enough when combined with the right plugin, and of course the most important of these themes is free !. Equipped with a theme configuration that is already SEO, and also responsive makes this theme is also one of the popular and many installed in the official WordPress theme directory. We have tried this theme and it is quite good when run via smartphone. Those of you who want to try the VT Blogging themes can visit the following link click here.

3. Mesa WordPress Theme by WPExplorer

The next theme happens to still be held by WPExplorer with the Mesa theme. We are not affiliated with WPExplorer but we do find their themes free, cool, and also clean and responsive, very rare developers who give free licenses to their themes. Mesa WordPress Theme looks very modern and clean. Using a mansory concept is perfect if used to showcase a portfolio. In addition this theme has a beautiful sidebar feature and also the concept of sharing button articles that are quite update. This theme also provides social links feature in the Header, so it is suitable for those of us who want to connect our visitor with our social media. You can download the Mesa WordPress Theme through the following link, click here.